For your home, office and commercial spaces

Feng shui (literally, “wind and water”) is the teaching of the forces that exist between heaven and earth. Spaces and places are always in resonance with the energies that surround us. Energetic feng shui provides valuable support in recognizing this energy and strengthening our intuition. Rooms are perceived more deliberately and allow the potential that is revealed be utilized. Disruptive energy structures are cleared to create a free and supportive flow of energy..



What we can do for your health, well-being, and prosperity


We aim to transform energies that impair well-being and block personal development and motivation, and to create a positive environment an environment in which everyone can recognize themselves and feel part of a larger whole. Energetic feng shui can accomplish, this without moving furniture, expensive accessories, or complex repositioning.



Initial consultation to establish needs and determine costs. After the order is place, we analyze  the room quality including feedback and alignment of the energy flow. The final appointment includes assessment and debriefing. 

For our first conversation we come to your home, office, or company. Energetic feng shui can also be provided remotely.

If it appeals to you, please get in touch.


Qi refers to the all-embracing life force that flows throughout the universe.

Everything that lives is filled with Qi - it streams through everything and everyone. Qi is in continuous communication with its environment and forms the life of the earth and its inhabitants. The skill of feng shui consists in recognizing the omnipresent Qi and in developing its quality. The task is to place the frequency of Qi in relation to its environment. 


Emotional Harmonization

  • create clarity

  • remove work blockades

  • invite opportunity 

  • increase prosperity

  • increase good luck

  • elicit joy


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